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PNC votes June 18 for designated conference minister

In a special meeting on June 18, 125 of 139 present on Zoom voted to call Phil Hodson as designated conference minister to serve until July 2026.

Phil Hodson at Annual Meeting

The PNC-UCC Board of Directors brought a motion “that the Rev. Phil Hodson be called as the Designated Conference Minister (DCM) of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ through June 30, 2026, with eligibility and first right of refusal for the Settled Conference Minister candidate position should it be offered by the Board after evaluation.”

In June 2023, a search committee was organized to call an intentional interim conference minister and a position description was posted. In July there were three candidates, In August, the finalist declined. More candidates were interviewed in the fall and the finalist chosen declined in December. Phil was suggested by the national setting to serve as acting conference minister.

At Annual Meeting, the special online conference meeting was announced for June 18. During the meeting there was discussion of definitions of designated and interim ministry. One difference is that an interim cannot be considered a candidate for the called position but a designated minister may be. First right of refusal for a settled call agreement may be offered, but if they decide not to enter a settled call agreement the conference may post a profile and receive clergy profiles, PNC-UCC Board Moderator Indigo Brown explained.

At the meeting, Phil expressed his joy in walking beside members of the conference, coming to know stories of churches and clergy.

“I look forward to walking with you to see where the Spirit leads us,” he said, noting he will help focus on search and call for congregations, next steps to be an anti-racism conference, and living into the world of practical, faithful next steps for the PNC.”




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