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Reports on Annual Meetings, Leadership Retreats, Moderators

Winter 2024-2025

PNC Board announces Annual Meetiing, anti-racism training, new staff at N-Sid-Sen, website redesign and need for volunteers.

Spring 2024

Annual Meeting will meet Friday to Sunday, April 26 to 28 at Plymouth in Seattle on the theme "Forward Together."
Karen Georgia Thompson, general minister and president/CEO of the UCC, speaks at PNC Annual Meeting.

Fall 2023

Linda Allen, songleader at Annual Meeting, has written hundreds of songs on 13 CDs to influence the hearts and minds of people and communities.

Summer 2023

PNC Scribe Ron Patterson sums up the speakers, business, decisions, and relationships celebrated at Annual Meeting.
Moderator Tara Leininger lends perspective in her report and leads the delegates through a bylaws change.
Traci Blackmon encourages wider unerstanding of church growth and the ongoing need to be working for justice.
Dismantling Racism Task Force outliines to Annual Meeting their efforts to help move the PNC to live into being anti-racist.
Mark Boyd and Pam Peterson describe groups who use the camp in the off season as partners, sharing a commitment.

Spring 2022

Loving Deeply is the theme for the 2023 Annual Meeting April 28 to 30 at Bellingham First Congregational UCC.

Winter 2022

Tara Leininger announces new board members and plans for Annual Meeting on April 28-30 at Bellingham UCC.


Spring 2022

Annual Meeting theme is 'Promised Hope.' It will be on Zoom Saturday, April 30 with hybrid worship on Sunday.

Fall 2021

News Briefs include information on transitions, Communities in Practice, racial justice, farm workers and more.

Spring 2021

Dismantling Racism and and Reparations teams bring document and suggestions to Annual Meeting for discussion.
Annual Meeting to vote on agreement to begin a partnership with Justapaz and CEDECOL in Colombia.
'Rooted in Love' is the theme for the PNC 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Organizers discuss the conversations, votes and reports.
Stewardship Committee appeals for donations to Friends of the Conference in conjunction with Annual Meeting.

Summer 2020

Annual Meeting connects 180 people for a virtual worship service and continues to share reports of PNC staff and leaders.
Carter Schafer creates music video of him playing 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken' on banjo, fiddle, piano, mandolin and guitar.


Winter 2019-20

Wendy Blight, PNC Moderator, announces Annual Meeting and plans for bylaws changes to address racism.

Summer 2019

Kelle Brown said 'community' and 'transformation' are powerful words that comprise what revival means.
Bianca Davis-Lovelace grew up in the Black church, where preaching social justice is the norm.
Renee McCoy said transformation happens when we forgive and move to reconciliation and unity.
Mary Flowers and Rick Derksen of the People's Institute offered insights on dismantling racism.
Amy Roon's message is on the vital role of worship as one part of the life system of the Body of Christ.
2019 PNC Annual Meeting is depicted in photo of the Friday Evening Revival service with worship stations.

April-May 2019

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the PNC-UCC will focus on the theme "Many Gifts, One Spirit" as it gathers April 27 in Bellevue.


January-March 2019

News briefs include reports on 2019 board, Annual Meeting, transitions, events, and camp dates and events.


September-October 2018

Sophie Morse shared insights in Annual Meeting workshop on conflict resolution and shifting from win-lose conversations.

Summer 2018

Joe Chrastil describes the dynamics of relationship building needed for congregations to do community organizing.
Andy CastorLang found Westminster UCC in Spokane has been empowered by joining the Spokane Alliance.
Wendy Blight shares her goal of relationship building with in the conference she plans to do as Board moderator.
Photos tell the story of people, worship, songs, gatherings, communion, interactions and dynamics of Annual Meeting.
Bishop Dwayne Royster inspires PNC with how he works to empower communities to change the world.
Courtney Stange-Tregear outlines doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly as key to church vitality.
Mike Denton gives an overview of accomplishments of the PNC over the last year for his annual report.
Wade Zick and Mark Boyd elicit from those at Annual Meeting the value of camps they have attended over the years.


April-May 2018

Annual Meeting April 27-29 in Yakima will focus with workshops and speaking around the theme 'Breaking Forth.'


February-March 2018

The 2018 Annual Meeting will be April 27 to 29 at the Yakima Convention Center with Bishop Dwayne Royster as keynoter.

November-December 2017

Moderator Peter Ilgenfritz gives an overview of the Fall Gathering and a call to what's new in the PNC.
Fall Gathering keynote speaker Lori Walke calls PNC into its ministry of church vitality and justice.
Preaching at Fall GatheringCourtney Stange-Tregear says relationships bring change to the world.


September-October 2017

Courtney Stange Tregear will be the keynote speaker and be installed at the Fall Gathering Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 at N-Sid-Sen.


Summer 2017

Annual Meeting delegates, clergy and visitors seek to explore and understand what church vitality is.
Mike Denton tells of Rufus Anderson's three self-principles intended to encourage missionaries to be partners.
PNC adopts a budget that challenges the Conference to work toward vitality and honors commitment to national,
Briana Brannon introduces resolution for PNC and churches to be welcoming of immigrants and refugees.
Speaking by video, General Minister and President of the national UCC John Dorhauer shares reflections with PNC.


April 2017

Wade Zick divides energies between planning Annual Meetings and 2018 intergenerational mission camps.
Conference Board calls for Annual Meeting to be a vital community gathered together for mission.


February 2017

annual meeting In 2017, there will be two Annual Meetings, one for business at Pilgrim Firs and one for education at N-Sid-Sen.

September-October 2016

Faavae Fou Samoan church becomes a UCC church to connect youth with activities.

June-July 2016

Mike Denton preaches on importance of 1987 apology by the religious leaders to the Northwest tribes.
Conference will start a Justice Leadership Jubilee program for older adults beginning in 2017.
Farm Worker NW Ministry asks UCC and others to join berry boycott to support farm worker justice.
Minister-musician leads Annual Meeting worship experiences and invites participants to reflect.
Scott Lovaas shares insights on the paradigm shifts for churches in the 21st century.
PNC minister for church vitality preaches on theme of using the right words at the right time.
Congregations tell how their ministries go "out on a limb" to serve their communities and members.

April 2016

Annual Meeting features introduction of PNC's new Minister for Church Vitality Courtney Stange-Tregear.

February 2016

Organizers reporton plans for 2016 Annual Meeting.


November-December 2015

Annual Meeting

Theme for Annual Meeting in Wenatchee is 'Out on a Limb.'


June-July 2015

quinn caldwell Quinn Caldwell saysUCC is uniquely situated to transform mainline churches.
photo page Worship, music, processions, lanterns, table toys, drumming and relationships mark meeting.
roger ralston Roger Ralston createsfour art pieces for the Annual Meeting, depicting the four apostles.
john deckenback John Deckenback reflectson history of missionaries and churches in Inland NW.
robbie paul Robbie Paul shares storyof Coyote and imparts wisdom from Nez Perce perspectives.
michelle wendy Hearing discussion looksat budget for coming year and its implications for PNC ministries.
tom kobin Marshall Islands UCC shares with Annual Meeting its music and story of its islands.
annual meeting Annual Meeting adoptsbudget, resolutions and bylaws, and elects new leaders.


April-May 2015

annual meeting Annual Meeting to discuss resolutions on fossil energy and Palestinian occupation.

February-March 2-15

annual meeting Scott Ward invites members of PNC to Annual Meeting 2015 in Spokane.

December 2014

annual meeting Quinn Caldwell will speak at Annual Meeting 2015, which will offer 15-minute workshops.

September-October 2014

andycastrolang Andy CastroLang reports as conference moderator on board plans to visit congregations.

June-July 2014

andy castrolang Annual Meeting approves new leaders, budget and two resolutions.
lillian daniel Speakers examine culture of the church today in Annual Meeting sermons and keynotes.
mike denton MIke Denton reports on life of the conference and preaches on his journey into the UCC.


April-May 2014

annual meeting Annual Meeting is to nurture friendships and relationships among PNC churches.

February-March 2014

Annual meeting speakers Two women are featured speakers for the 2014 Annual Meeting April 25 to 27 in Seattle.


December 2013

Annual Meeting "Welcome Home" is theme for 2014 Annual Meeting April 25 to 27 in Seattle.

June-July 2013

Stephen Eriksen Delegates adopt resolutions approve leaders and adopt budget that adds staff and consultant.
Michelle Edwards Music takes on African-American tone with leadership by musicians at Eastgate and Liberation UCC.
Mike and Leo Denton Mike Denton commits to continue ministry with conference as he begins three-month sabbatical.


April 2013


Delegates will vote on resolutions, join in workshops and worship.

February 2013


Linda Jaramillo of Justice and Witness Ministries is Annual Meeting speaker April 26 to 28.

April 2012

annual meeting Annual Meeting has business, spiritual sides as the Conference gathers April 17 to 19 in Pasco.
brandonduran Moderator focuses on building covenant relationships among congregations and with the conference.

Summer/Fall 2024

National UCC leader is keynote speaker for the PNC-UCC Annual Meeting on 'Disirupting the Narrative' of one perspective.
Phil Hodson, the designated conference minister of the PNC-UCC, uses the Annual Meeting theme as a call to move forward.
PNC-UCC welcomes four Samoan congregations—two from Anchorage, Alaska, and two from Seattle—into the conference.
Annual Meeting 2024 adopts a resolution on antiracism training, a resolution on state taxes and the PNC-UCC annual budget.
Duwamish leader welcomes PNC-UCC Annual Meeting participants to Seattle in the tradition of his five great grandfather, Chief Seattle.

Winter 2023-24

PNC Board continues seeks to improve its communication through connecting to each of the PNC committees and staff members.

Winter 2021

Annual Meeting planners decide to hold Annual Meeting 2022 online on Zoom April 29 to May 1 because of COVID.

Summer 2021

Danette and Kelekolio Koloi were among the Samoan pastors leading the opening worship for the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Dismantling Racism group leads gathering session in discussing encouraging PNC to be more anti-racist.
Hillary Coleman reviews decisions by Annual Meeting and encourages people to view video online.
African American and other delegates offer uplift prophetic moment of changing a budget item to reflect anti-racism.
Ed Coleman summarizes efforts of Stewardship Committee to help implement budget line item for anti-racism.


Spring 2020

Annual Meeting 2020 has been cancelled because of COVID-19 need for social distancing. Parts will be presented online.

Fall 2019

The 2019 PNC Fall Gathering will be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19 at Shalom UCC in Richland.

September 2012

chris hanson PNC moderator Chris Hanson reports on the development of a mission and vision statement at the Leadership Retreat in May.
ben guess workshop Ben Guess shares resources on faith formation in a workshop at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Richland.
ben guess Local Church Ministries exec preaches on his hope that new models of being church are emerging and will continue to emerg.
elizabeth dilleu Elizabeth Dilley preached and taught at Annual Meeting on small, remnant congregations.
chip laird Delegates share ideas and concerns on issues related to the budget, resolutions and national church governance.
mike denton Mike Denton responds to questions about issues in the life of the Pacific Northwest Conference for his report to Annual Meeting.

February 2011

Annual Meeting Da Vita McCallister is keynote speaker for 2011 Annual Meeting at University Congregational UCC Church in Seattle.

April 2011

Kristine Zakarison PNC's body is immersed in new life as moderator completes her year of service and offers reflections.
Marcia McLaughlin Annual Meeting will consider budget, name change and resolution to become Open and Affirming.
Annual Meeting Annual Meeting is time for "Connections, Reflection and Direction" as delegates meet in Seattle.

Summer 2011

DaVita McAllister
DaVita McAllister urges Annual Meeting participants to find their gifts and act on them to transform the world.
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting delegates pass resolution to be an Open and Affirming Conference.
Brandon Duran Brandon Duran, moderator, establishes blog to help foster connections within the Pacific Northwest Conference.
Jennifer Castle
Leadership Retreat participants learn about setting Big Holy Audacious Goals and new ways to solve problems.

February 2010

Rodger Nishioka Rodger Nishioka is preacher and workshop leader for Conference Annual Meeting April 23 to 25 in Wenatchee.

April 2010


"Compassion, Communication, Community" is the 2010 Annual Meeting theme.

June 2010

Kristine Zakarison Leadership Retreat prepares PNC for shape of new church life and interaction as it moves into the future.
Rodger Nishioka Seminary professor discusses everyday opportunities for compassion and about young people and church involvement.
Brandon Duran Annual Meeting adopts resolutions, approves balanced budget and elects 142 people to committees.

December 2011

UCC churches reach out PNC treasurer's experiences in China, Dominican Republic and Haiti open her to trust as books close for the year.

November 2010

Kristine Zakarison Moderator seeks feedback on communication and technology assessment.

September 2009

larry pennington Leadership Retreat stirs visions and discussion of issues facing the conference.
communion Mike Denton cites Rosa Park's experience as an example for the Conference to discuss, vision and act.

December 2009

Annual Meeting

Roger Nishioka is 2010 featured speaker. The theme is "Communication, Compassion and Community".





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