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Feature Articles and News Stories Listed by Issue Date

Winter 2024-2025

Westminster UCC pastor, Bob Feeny believes stories are important in understanding impact of colonization.
Admiral UCC in Seattle decides to tear down building and replace it with affordable housing project in which it will have a space.
Pullman UCC communicates faith in action commitment through loose offerings and exterior art panels.
Pam Peterson celebrates accomplishments in 20-months—April 2023-Dec 2024—of transitional ministry at N-Sid-Sen camp.
Phil Hodson invites PNC congregations to join in workshops to decide their plan, purpose and tangible outcomes.
News briefs column lists transitions, men's/women's/youth retreats, finance program, mission trips, synod and more.

Alki UCC pastor Emily Tanis-Likkel and the church seek to embody their faith in their ministries to the community.
Samoan congregation in Anchorage reaches out to youth with a music ministry that puts new beat to traditional hymns.
Fox Island pastor builds congregation by his presence relating with people and organizations in the community.
Zac Norenberg, assistant director at Pilgrim Firs, shares about ongoing camps while Mark Boyd is on sabbatical.
PNC Board announces Annual Meetiing, anti-racism training, new staff at N-Sid-Sen, website redesign and need for volunteers.
Midwinter Youth Retreat theme for Feb 7 to 9 at Pilgrim Firs will be on "Coming Full Circle ...Another Way."

Summer/Fall 2024

National UCC leader is keynote speaker for the PNC-UCC Annual Meeting on 'Disirupting the Narrative' of one perspective.
PNC-UCC welcomes four Samoan congregations—two from Anchorage, Alaska and two from Seattle—into the conference.
Annual Meeting 2024 adopts resolution on antiracism training, resolution on state taxes and the PNC-UCC annual budget.
Veradale UCC expresses solidarity with local schools as it prepares for court cases on hate crimes against its property.
N-Sid-Sen has full summer of camps and retreats with support of staff and more than 52 volunteers, plus lifeguards.
Summer/fall news briefs list transitions among clergy and upcoming events offered by national church and conference.

Phil Hodson, the designated conference minister of the PNC-UCC, uses the Annual Meeting theme as a call to move forward.
Global partners from Colombia provide insights into ecumenical efforts to bring justice and peace to people in Colombia.
United Churches of Olympia holds service to celebrate Break the Silence Sunday to recognize victims of sexual abuse.
Duwamish leader welcomes PNC-UCC Annual Meeting delegates to Seattle in tradition of his five great grandfather.
Pilgrim Firs Pride Garden is site of community picnic. Mark Boyd reports on the camps, retreats and community events.
Special Meeting on June 18 voted for Phil Hodson to be the designated conference minister for the next two years.

Spring 2024

Sunnyslope Church engages in ecumenical and interfaith action on justice, immigration and antiracism in Wenatchee Valley.
Karen Georgia Thompson, general minister and president/CEO of the UCC, speaks at PNC Annual Meeting.
Partners from Colombia visit Annual Meeting and will be available to visit churches in PNC and Disciples region.
Sunnyslope Church garden brings members together across generations to build beds, nurture plants and eat produce.
Pilgrim Firs develops area as Serenity Garden, a new element for the many groups who use the site for gatherings.
News Briefs include reports of transitions,clergy retreat and training, FAN staff change and WRYE registration.


Phil Hodson introduces himself as the PNC-UCC acting conference minister, sharing background he brings to role.
Annual Meeting will meet Friday to Sunday, April 26 to 28 at Plymouth in Seattle on the theme "Forward Together."
Tri-Cities Immigrant Coalition continues its commitment to educate, engage, support and advocate for immigrants.
Sacred Earth Ministry at UCUCC in Seattle works with many churches to advocate for bills in the state legislature.
N-Sid-Sen prepares for spring and summer season of PNC campers, church retreats and other groups.
Chelsea Nesbit is the new property and events manager at N-Sid-Sen, joining the staff after winter in the kitchen.


Winter 2023-2024

Nine-member youth team cleans N-Sid-Sen grounds for fire mitigation and beautification in November and December.
Pullman church makes quilt during worship to convey concern about the issue of banning books and limiting access to education.
Faith Action Network begins work on advocacy priorities in state legislsture for the 2024 short session.
Indigo Brown announces report on search and plans for Annual Meeting at Plymouth UCC in Seattle April 26 to 28.
Dee Eisenhauer explains storyof Pia the Peacekeeper troll statue in Bainbridge Island park at interfaithThanksgiving service.
Corey Passons led workshops at Parliament of World Religions from experience as interfaith pastor and interfaith organizer.
Tolt UCC in Carnation offers food bank, take-out meals, clothing bank, aid fund, preschool program and dementia club.
Acting Conference Minister Jonna Jensen asks PNC members what is pulling them "beyond believing" in their lives.


N-Sid-Sen and Pilgrim Firs announce their plans for spring retreats and summer camping sessions for 2024.
Mary Stamp marks 40th year of editing The Fig Tree ecumenical newspaper. She has also edited PNC-UCC news since 1988.
Guemes Island UCC hosts a social justice art show for the community and passes statement on the war in Israel and Palestine.
Bainbridge Islands pastors hold peace vigil in Sakai Park. Local rabbi sums up sentiments of many of those who gathered.
Elizabeth Maupin reports on Parliament of World Religions. She attended because of role with Issaqual interfaith council.
PNC Board continues seeks to improve communication with connecting to each of the PNC committees and staff.
Winter news briefs report on clergy transitions, WRYE recruitment, and Justice Leadership Programs for 2024.

Fall 2023

Linda Allen has written hundreds of songs on 13 CDs to influence the hearts and minds of people and communities.
Veradale UCC turns hate incident in June into opportunity to spread messages of love and compassion in community.
Maureen McLain's covenant ministry emphasizes developing an educated laity, learning church history and scholarly theology.
Carson Hawkes' covenantministry focuses on helping people deal with grief and trauma from life experiences.
Global Ministries Committee announces that two global partners will visit the PNC and attend Annual Meeting in April.
Mark Boyd is planning to take sabbatical time during November when Pilgrim Firs quiets after full summer and fall schedules.
Acting Conference Minister Jonna Jensen likens this time in the PNC to the fall went leaves fall off trees as they transition.

Jermell Witherspoon serves two churches, Everett UCC and Liberation UCC, as they serve their wider communities.
Magnolia UCC in Seattle has developed a new model of ordained ministers by having Covenant Ministers.
Becky Withington retired from parish ministry to do a covenant ministry focused on spiritual retreats and training.
Michael Haven's covenant ministry centers around helping people prepare Bibliodramas to bring scripture stories alive.
Pam Peterson is filling staff roles and has AmeriCorps help to clear underbrush after a summer of camps, retreats at N-Sid-Sen.
PNC Board continues to suppport the search process for interim conference minister and efforts to build PNC ministries.
Fall news briefs report about transitions of ministers and churches. It also lists educational opportunities.


Summer 2023

While transition is stressful, Jonna Jensen sees PNC filled with gifted leadership to help through this time.
Senior high camp directors anticipate a fruitful time of activities, discussions and interactions for campers.
Family camps at N-Sid-Sen are like family reunions for many of those who attend regularly and find nurture.
Moderator Tara Leininger lends perspective in her report and leads the delegates through a bylaws change.
Sophie Morse's ordination covenant includes a commitment to offer workshops and consulting on conflict resolution.
Dismantling Racism Task Force outliines to Annual Meeting their efforts to help move the PNC to live into being anti-racist.
Betty Speith Croll tells why she and her husband joined 40 members of 7 UCC churches in the Seattle Pride Parade.
Jonna Jensen invites everyone to be open to the possibility that the Holy Spirit might be calling them to serve in ministry.

Camp managers report plans for church camps during July and August and introduce the summer staff.
Mark Boyd and Pam Peterson describe groups who use the camp in the off season as partners, sharing a commitment.
PNC Scribe Ron Patterson sums up the speakers, business, decisions, and relationships celebrated at Annual Meeting.
Traci Blackmon encourages wider unerstanding of church growth and the ongoing need to be working for justice.
Meighan Pritchard employs her commitment to environmental sustainability in the design of a house she has built.
PNC Board establishes Search Committee for intentional interim conference minister and announces timeline.
Summer news briefs include the usual transitions and events, but also briefs of church's rainbow banners, doors being vandalized.

Spring 2023

Pam Peterson begins in the role 0f designated managing director of N-Sid-Sen Camp and Retreat Center on April 1.
Leda Zakarison is reporting to area churches about her experiences as Global Ministries intern in Beirut, Lebanon.
Gathering Ground groups bring together people who are spiritual but not religious for story sharing and relationship building.
Stone Carvers retreat are among the regular groups holding retreats at Pilgrim Firs Camp and Retreat Center at Port Orchard.
N-Sid-Sen prepares for full season of spring, summer and fall camps and retreats for PNC members and churches.
Loving Deeply is the theme for the 2023 Annual Meeting April 28 to 30 at Bellingham First Congregational UCC.


Magnolia UCC restarts Community in Action Sundays to engage members and neighbors in outreach and service projects.
Ferndale UCC welcomes House of Tears Lummi Carvers as they begin journey to raise awareness of mine at Oak Flat in Arizona.
Acting Conference Minister Courtney Stange-Tregear introduces PNC staff members Arlene, Andy and Mark.
Acting Conference Minister Courtney Stange-Tregear shares stories of four Board leaders, Tara, Indigo, Hillary and Wendy.
Transitions and events include General Synod 23, Seattle Church Council and other educational events.



Winter 2022

Sixty-one people join in United Churches of Olympia Sacred Conversation on Racism in October with Velda Love.
Bill Kirlin-Hackett offers suggestions for ways churches can reach out to homeless people from interfaith work.
Several UCC churches share what they are doing related to land acknowledgements in wording and action.
Pilgrim/New Pilgrims UCC closes after 145 years of ministry and will give its remaining assets to Anacortes and wider church.
N-Sid-Sen announces plans for volunteers to help run camp a few months and opens registration for upcoming camps.


Steve Eriksen is honored as minister emeritus at Shalom UCC in Richland where he was pastor for 22 years.
Mission co-workers in Colombia, Alex Maldonado Lizardi and Xiomara Cintrón Garcia, share praayer, ideas.
Jim CastroLang retires from Colville UCC and has begun work with refugees at the Thrive International Center in Spokane.
Acting Conference Minister Courtney Stange-Tregear provides information on Anti-Racism Fund use.
Transitions and events include General Synod 23, climate webinar, retired clergy group and men's retreat at Pilgrim Firs.
Tara Leininger announces new board members and plans for Annual Meeting on April 28 to 30 at Bellingham UCC.


Fall 2022

Samoan Congregational Christian Church of Seattle II raise funds to pay off loan on parsonage for 45th anniversary.
Dawn Koloi shares the story of her journey into ministry at Seattle Samoan church and with PNW Conference.
Tara Leininger welcomes and introduces Courtney Stange-Tregear in her new role as Acting Conference Minister.
Taiwanese Christian Church hosts a camp at Pilgrim Firs in August to teach the Taiwanese language to children.
Jubilee Justice participants join in advocacy and work in local congregations. Young adult program will take a year off.


Courtney Stange-Tregear has begun as the Acting Conference Minister with a goal to focus on relationships and storytelling.
Mark Boyd will be managing director at Pilgrim Firs after he leaves after 10 years as managing director at N-Sid-Sen.
Tara Leininger communicates with conference on a series of changes in PNC personnel and plans for search teams.
Wade Zick resigns at Pilgrim Firs and plans to move to Mexico to learn Spanish and then Uruguay to teach English.
PNC-UCC Dismantling Racism Task Force prepares document for white congregations wanting to welcome BBIAPI speakers.


Summer 2022

Mark Boyd leaves N-Sid-Sen in November to be associate director at Pilgrim Firs Camp and Conference Center.
Pilgrim Firs builds Pride Garden on its grounds in an enclosed ares with raised beds of multi-colored plants.
Global Ministries group joins in a Zoom meeting with leader of Justapaz and learns of plans for 30th anniversary in September.
In his column, Mike Denton observes that complaining goes not bring change but planning and organizing do.
News Briefs list transitions, events, General Synod, advocacy opportunity, national ONA 50th anniversary and more.


Mike Denton announces plan to accept call to a church in Massachusetts and leave role with PNC.
Tara Leininger, new moderator, introduces herself, updates on board and invites participation in the leadership of the PNC.
Gen Heywood embarks on three-month sabbatical to Iceland, Germany and New Zealand armed with questions.
United Church of Ferndale and Dismantling Racism Team invitate participation in Orange Shirt Day in September.


Spring 2022

Magnolia UCC follows study on homelessness with building tiny houses in Seattle to help move people into permanent housing.
Fauntleroy UCC resettles a single woman refugee from Iran because they had a studio apartment space to offer.
Richmond Beach UCC set up a Circle of Welcome with two other churches to help resettle an Afghan family of 10.
University and Prospect UCC churches in Seattle share in resettling an Afghan family and taking a welcoming meal.
Mark Boyd announces plans to assist at Pilgrim Firs and announces plans for the summer season of PNC-UCC camps.
Andy Warren writes about the PNC-UCC's Anti-Racism Fund Drive, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee.
News Briefs include report on Jubilee Justice, Global Ministries, Women's Retreat and national UCC events and opportunities.


Andy CastroLang retires after 20 years at Westminster. Her successor will begin his ministry overlapping for two months.
Shalom UCC partners with Tri Cities Immigrant Coalitionin Richland to resettle 17 Afghan refugees since September 2021.
Plymouth UCC in Seattle provided a sewing machine for the mother in the Afghan refugee family they are assisting.
Stories of Hope is the theme for the 2022 Lenten reflections and sharing Courtney Stange-Tregear is organizing for the PNC.
Annual Meeting theme is 'Promised Hope.' It will be on Zoom Saturday, April 30 with hybrid worship on Sunday.
Mike Denton's columm says that the world needs the church as a movement for peace, freedom and knowledge.



Winter 2021-22

Amara Oden and Stevi Hamill graduated from the School of Theology and Ministry and value the ecumenical studies there.
Conference helped start, fund the School of Theology and Ministry and had retired clergy serve as adjunct instructors.
Eliza Penick of Keystone UCC helps organize a January to June session of Justice Jubilee for people to learn about justice.
Chewelah UCC partners with the Hope Street Project in Colville to bring services to its community members.
Metaline Falls and Newport UCC churches partner to bring a Second Harvest mobile market to local high school parking lot.
Renton United Christian invites Muslim resource center and SCM Ministries to use building for outreach to Afghan refugees.
Pilgrim Firs hosts PATHH retreats to help veterans and first responders heal from trauma that limits their lives.
Annual Meeting planners decide to hold Annual Meeting 2022 online on Zoom April 29 to May 1 because of COVID.


UCC played a central role in founding and the history or the School of Theology and Ministry as a place for forming clergy.
Recent graduates and alums formed a Speak Out for STM group to raise questions about the closing and find options.
Catherine Foote retires after 20 years on the team ministry at University Congregational UCC in Seattle.
Everett UCC opens building for use as a shelter, clinic and food bank. Plans new building to provide affordable housing.
N-Sid-Sen is planning a regular camping season for summer 2022, with groups coming in spring and fall.
PNC Men's Retreat will be held in person with protocols at Pilgrim Firs Jan. 28 to 30, with a one-day Silent Retreat Jan. 27.
Mike Denton says that this season teaches us that confronting our fragility makes us strong.
News Briefs include updates on insurance, ministerial profiles, COP26 resource, bookkeeping and global ministries meetings.



Fall 2021

Leah Atkinson Bilinski of Fauntleroy UCC in Seattle describez how her church has “done” worship since COVID.
University Congregational UCC mixes video with in-person worship and plans to continue online into fhe future.
Shalom UCC in Richland with the Tri-Cities Immigrant Coalition formed Mutual Aid Project to help people devastated in COVID.
Puerto Rican couple serve as Global Ministries mission co-workers with Justapaz, the PNC-DOC partner in Colombia.
N-Sid-Sen director Mark Boyd observed that smaller sized camps were conducive to deeper conversations and relationships.
Hillary Coleman, moderator, reports on board of directors' projects and on Annual Meeting April 29 to May 1, 2022.
News Briefs include information on transitions, Communities in Practice, racial justice, farm workers, care tax, national UCC website and more.

Eagle Harbor UCC has been following state guidelines since returning to in-person worship. It continues online livestreaming.
Youth delegate to virtual General Synod is impressed with ginormous impact of national UCC on social justice issues.
Six volunteers from Chewelah UCC join volunteers from the community to feed hungry children during the summer.
In a stewardship appeal, Jim CastroLang reflects on chaos of worls and invites investment to help build communities of trust.
Emerging from COVID isolation Pilgrim Firs what is next for the site to meet needs of future campers and stay relevant.
Mike Denton reflects on how divisions are being used by both sides to break trust and to consolidate power.


Summer 2021

Allysa De Wolf will lead a workshop on cults and conspiracy theories as one of 50 offered for the 2021 General Synod.
Dismantling Racism group leads gathering session in discussing encouraging PNC to be more anti-racist.
Hillary Coleman reviews decisions by Annual Meeting and encourages people to view video online.
African American and other delegates offer uplift prophetic moment of changing a budget item to reflect anti-racism.
Walla Walla UCC shares how it continued its outreach within the congregation and its community during COVID.
Lynn Nelson said that communication and worship at Affirmational UCC in Colfax was done by snail mail.
MIke Denton observes that Bible and history can be complicated and suggests a book study on Marcus Whitman.
Transitions, Disciples classes, General Synod climate webinar and global partnership with Colombia are announded.

Danette and Kelekolio Koloi were among the Samoan pastors leading the opening worship for the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Ed Coleman summarizes efforts of Stewardship Committee to help implement budget line item for anti-racism.
Leah Atkinson Bilinski shares reflections on behalf of the Stewardship Committee on giving being integral to faith.
Everett UCC shares overview of its mission outreach through COVID and beyond, including its vision and commitment.
Community Congregationalin Pullman began worship outdoors for its Easter Sunrise Service during COVID.
Tara Leininger reported said church began worship in person in June 2020 - social distancing was easy with few members.
Vaccinations are key to safely resuming camps and retreat programs at one-third the regular size at N-Sid-Sen this summer.
Pilgrim Firs ends COVID center and begins some retreats at 50 percent, such as for stone sculpters, musicians and famlies.

Spring 2021

Kelle Brown seeks to guide Plymouth UCC into being a laboratory on how to dismantle racism in a church.
Dismantling Racism and and Reparations teams bring document and suggestions to Annual Meeting for discussion.
Annual Meeting to vote on agreement to begin a partnership with Justapaz and CEDECOL in Colombia.
Five share progress on vaccinations among congregation members, help set appointments and volunteer to assist.
'Rooted in Love' is the theme for the PNC 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Organizers discuss the conversations, votes and reports.
MIke Denton's suggests that emerging from the pandemic will take planning because the world needs the church's work.

Jasmine Meredith, a Spokane teen and Westminster UCC member, speaks at March 20 rally to Stop the Hate of Asians.
As Steve Clagett steps down from five years of leading the Justice Witness Ministries Committee he offers an overview.
N-Sid-Sen prepares sets upCOVID portocols for summer camp programs and use by families and youth.
Stewardship Committee appeals for donations to Friends of the Conference in conjunction with Annual Meeting.
News Briefs includes reports on transitions, General Synod 2021 and the PNC's story-sharing Lenten devotional series.
Shalom Church Spokane helps the Christmas people provide "blessing bags" for diners with eignity at Shalom Ministries.
Falth leaders hold art contest to uplift humanity and dispel apathy in face of graffiti on temple and hate inspired shootings.

WInter 2020

Ed Evans was among 16 participants in a Global Ministry partnership exploration virtual pilgrimage via video to Colombia.
Kelsey Peterson Beebe connects people to God and each other through movement in her Dancing Pastor Ministries.
Patty Metzger of Fox Island UCC carves her grandchildren's spirit animals in a tree stump in her back yard .
Bill Kirlin-Hackett, Interfaith Housing Task Force director, publishes a how-to workbook for churches serving the poor.
Blaine UCC takes up offer by Debra Jarvis of UCUCC Seattle to use "A Very COVID Christmas" pageant she wrote.
Richmond Beach UCC opts to present a drive-through Christmas pageant with scenes of today's vulnerable people.
Steve Eriksen announces retirement as of Dec. 31 after 22 years of ministry serving at Shalom UCC in Richland.
Hillary Coleman discusses Guiding Vision for PNC Stewardship and Budget, and other board actions.
United Churches of Olympia builds microhouses to as a step up from tents at nearby homeless encampment.
Wade Zick reports on experiences at Kitsap County's COVID camp providing isolation for people who are ill or test positive.
N-Sid-Sen prepares for winter after a successful run with Families at Camp, hosting families for four days a week.
PNC raises funds on Giving Tuesday with a goal of raising $20,000 to match $20,000 for a total of $40,000.
Westminster youth leaders Randy and LInda Crowe take photos of children and youth wearing pageant costumes.
Kendall Clark Baker reports that the COVID surprise is generous giving through various means to the PNC-UCC.
Two women perform virtual "May's Vote" through University Congregational UCC twice in January.
News Briefs includes reports on transitions, Men's Retreat, Communities of Practice, Annual Meeting and Weekly Meetings.
MIke Denton's column speaks of the power of love, especially during COVID, and invites people to choose to love.

Fall 2020

Magnolia UCC serves its members and the community with ringing bells, offering food, virtual worship,joining marches and offering classes.
Bill Kirlin-Hackett explains new law helping faith communities to serve homeless people on their property.
Camp Campaign exceeds fundraising goal of $400,000 with the help of more than 360 donors in PNC and community partners.
Walla Walla church develops an anti-racism statement expressing leaders' commitments to solidarity, advocacy, education.
Stewardship Revival is one effort of the PNC's Stewardship Committee to provide resources for local churches, and plan conference budget.
Wendy Blight reflects on stewardship and donations during these uncertain times of isolation. She shares a challenge.
Mike Denton asks how people will show God's love when they engage in the sacred act of stewardship: voting.
Vince Larkin joins in moderators' meetings gaining insights on what other churches are doing in these times of pandemic.
Wade Zick shares experience running and living on the site of the county quarantine camp at Pilgrim Firs Camp and Conference Center.
Families at Camp is a new model that N-Sid-Sen may continue in the future as a way to keep camps full every weekend.
Hillary Coleman reports on PNC Board's actions on anti-racism, deepening relationships and communication.
PNC Global Ministries plans virtual pilgrimage 'to' Colombia for 16 participants from the UCC and Disciples of Christ.
Paul Ashby considers Black Lives Matters in connection with God's creation of Adam and Eve, parents of everyone.
PNC and national UCC offer virtual meetings, a mourning vigil, building webinars, a pastor program and more.

Summer 2020

Dayton UCC reaches out to meet needs of community for food and other necessities, while doing worship apart.
Seattle interfaith leaders join in a silent vigil and moment of lament to protest racism at St. James Cathedral.
Everett and St. Paul's UCC join in Flag Day Mobilization. Mercer Island baked cookies for march. Prospect held vigil at church.
Normandy Park UCC joins silent march. Walla Walla UCC and UCUCC write statements on dismantling racism.
Global Ministries Committee arranges gift for Sri Lankan church, sets up a virtual pilgrimage to Colombia.
Pilgrim Firs serves as an isolation/guarantine center for homeless people and first responders in Kitsap County.
PNC's JWM leaders lend support and solidarity with fruit workers in Yakima striking for COVID-19 protection and pay.
Carter Schafer creates music video of him playing 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken' on banjo, fiddle, piano, mandolin and guitar.
Hillary Coleman reports on commitment by PNC Board to develop and use an anti-racist lens in its efforts.
Mike Denton reflects on impact of COVID-19 on our attitudes and lives, calling for it to be a time to change our lives and the world.
Richmond Beach UCC members lead an outdoor candlelight vigil in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
Eagle Harbor UCC members join in a Black Lives Matter/Native Lives Matter protest on Bainbridge Island.
Newport UCC couple stand along sidewalk holding signs calling for justice, fairness, kindness and love.
Tolt UCC in Carnation sets up a food pantry, then a food bank. Pastors lead an outdoor international day of mourning.
Conference launches camp fund-raising campaign for $200,000, arranges alternative virtual camp gatherings.
Sione Tuihalamaka earns certificate in facilities management to help in his work as head custodian at UCUCC.
This Is Me compiles stories shared during Lent. Courtney Stange Tregear edited the book, not sold at Amazon as fundraiser.
Annual Meeting connects 180 people for a virtual worship service and continues to share reports of PNC staff and leaders.
Environmental Justice Team invites Governor's aide to share updates on various legislation on energy and climate change.
News Briefs include stories on immediate events online in June-- events of the PNC, churches and national UCC.

Spring 2020

Hillary Coleman, PNC's next moderator, previously served on the Board as a youth and a young adult representative.
Magnolia UCC joins neigbors to serve its community instead of gathering to worship one Sunday each year.
Climate Change Team wins passage of bill encouraging sustainable farming practices in the state.
Brenda and Don Mallett donate funds to complete improvements to South Lodge at Pilgrim Firs and advocate for more updates.
Courtney Stange-Tregear compiles opportunity for people to share stories and Lenten reflections online.
Mike Denton shares the disruption and possibilities being brought by congregations not gathering because of COVID-19.
Andy CastsroLang testifies for an ordinance to limit decibels of protests of the Church of Planned Parenthood in Spokane.
Lora Rathbone educates members of Shalom UCC and the Richland Community on environmental justice issues.
Tree crushes cabin 8 at N-Sid-Sen during a wind storm. Plans are underway for replacing it. COVID-19 brings cancellations.
Annual Meeting 2020 has been cancelled because of COVID-19 need for social distancing. Parts will be presented online.
News Briefs share transitions, Pilgrim Firs serving, N-Sid-Sen camp songs, PNC's Google Group and other news.


Winter 2019-20

Tri-Cities Immigrant Coaiition celebrates their immigrant neighbors through the arts to build community ties.
Mercer Island church installs solar power on its roof to gain energy efficiency and to inspire the community.
Six form Environmental justice Team to advocate for a sustainable farming bill in the state legislature.
Bellingham UCC provides remodeled basement as The Ground Floor drop-in center for youth to have a safe space.
United Churches in Olympia partner with 16 congregations to back up temple as sanctuary hosting a family.
PNC News Briefs report transitions, UCC use of donations to relieve medical debt and seeking Just Peace churches.
Wendy Blight, PNC Moderator, announces Annual Meeting and plans for bylaws changes to address racism.
Courtney Stange-Tregear reflects on Fall Gathering forming six issue groups to bring specific changes..
Kizzie Jones publishes new book in series on dogs, adding new breeds and insights useful for children's sermons.
Fauntleroy UCC votes to lease Camp Second Chance with 48 tiny houses to prevent it from closing.
John Eisenhauer starts b14ucc.com platform for UCC churches to care, collaborate and connect online.
Lummi draft bill for the state to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for indigenous people.
Mike Denton points out the power of churches being in solidarity within their groups and with community people.
N-Sid-Ssen announces theme and dates for 2020 summer camping programs. The theme is "This Is Our Prayer."


Fall 2019

Faith Leaders challenge white supremacy and devastation of the Earth by holding vigils and making statements.
Renton United Christian brings witness to community with God's Doors and response to vandalism by repairs and more love.
Four churches gather for retreat at N-Sid-Sen in early September to share in activities, worship and socializing.
Walla Walla UCC church installs solar panels, anticipating saving 40 percent in expenses for heating and lighting.
One-acre fire at N-Sid-Sen was put out quickly because fire chief was there. Cleanup relates to ongoing forest management.
The 2019 PNC Fall Gathering will be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19 at Shalom UCC in Richland.
Mike Denton reflects on the value of sabbatical time to step back from overworking and gain perspective.
Andrew Conley-Holcom is leading a class on white supremacy and idolatry and starting Racism Anonymous.
Michael Joseph visits PNC and Disciples region to share about work for justice and peace in Colombia.
Intermediate camp explores injustices and what makes for justice, sharing in conversation around the image of a tree.
Tolt Congregational UCC holds annual pancake breakfast for community as part of celebrating its 125th anniversary.
Wendy Blight, moderator, reports on actions of the PNC-UCC Board of Directors, including bylaws and database.
Conference News Briefs includes information on new pastors, pastors' deaths and upcoming events.
Grace Lambert helps organize the Climate Strike events for youth and adults in the Seattle area.


Summer 2019

Kelle Brown said 'community' and 'transformation' are powerful words that comprise what revival means.
Bianca Davis-Lovelace grew up in the Black church, where preaching social justice is the norm.
Renee McCoy said transformation happens when we forgive and move to reconciliation and unity.
Michael Joseph visits PNC/Disciples churches to tell of Global Ministries peace work in Colombia.
Spokane and Seattle churches join in Pride Parades. Renton church deals with vandalism of pride display.
Wade Zick shares role of the arts and music in the life of Pilgrim Firs, about 65 percent of groups using the camp.
Mike Denton stirs responsible action to have impact on climate change for the sake of everyone's future.


Mary Flowers and Rick Derksen of the People's Institute offered insights on dismantling racism.
Amy Roon's message is on the vital role of worship as one part of the life system of the Body of Christ.
PNC's annual business meeting adopts budget, passes New Green Deal resolution and elects leaders.
Church Council of Greater Seattle celebrates 100 years of churches/faiths working together to make a difference.
2019 PNC Annual Meeting is depicted in photo of the Friday Evening Revival service with worship stations.
Mark Boyd promotes camps with aid of directors sharing how camps impact their lives.
Moderator Wendy Blight summarizes the Board's priorities to build relationships, dismantle racism.
News briefs report on transitions, General Synod, plans for a fall gathering, Mike's sabbatical, quarterly UCNews.


April-May 2019

Jubilee Justice participants join in advocacy and work in local congregations. Young adult program will take a year off.
Paul Ashby spends time engaging in interfaith dialogue in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Taiwan.
Lenten devotion weaves connections with stories of members of the PNC-UCC about their journeys.
Team of 25 from PNC and DOC help with rebuilding projects for week in Puerto Rico to help people recover from hurricanes.
N-Sid-Sen fireboathouse is now in place on a new dock in the cove. Winter snows did not deter groups from using the site..
N-Sid-Sen announces summer camping programs around the theme "Peace Works." Directors are named.
Mike Denton challenges people to think about what they bring when they participate in worship and listen to sermons.
Sarah Haycox does research on civil rights leader in Richmond Beach and advocates for having center named for him.
Westminster celebrates 140 years, looking to past, present and future ministries serving the city of Spokane and world.
Magnolia UCC tries new way to be church by using Sunday worship time to do community outreach projects.
Faith Leaders in Spokane join in vigils at temple and mosque, challenge Superfund sites in Inland Northwest.
PNC churches collect funds to send to Global Ministries for relief and recovery after Cyclone Idai in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
Pilgrim Firs work on sewage system likened to work camps are doing to evaluate their priorities and programs.
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the PNC-UCC will focus on the theme "Many Gifts, One Spirit" as it gathers April 27 in Bellevue.


January-March 2019

Alki UCC builds tiny houses at Camp Second Chance in West Seattle working beside homeless people to offer temporary houses.
Jan Van Pelt retires after serving multidimensional ministry that has included conflict resolution and interim ministry.
Randy Crowe recruits volunteers to participate in a hurricane rebuilding pilgrimage mission in Puerto Rico in March.
East Side Fire District recognizes Mark Boyd and N-Sid-Sen for their support of the district with dock and events.
Peter Ilgenfritz reflects on saying goodbye after 25 years on University Congregational UCC's ministry team. He shares poem on Messy Goodbyes.
Kaila Russell reports in online newsletter on activities and programs at Pilgrim Firs during 2018.
News briefs include reports on 2019 board, Annual Meeting, transitions, events, and camp dates and events.
Eric and Laurie Ford share family's history at N-Sid-Sen and their own participation in family camps for 30 years.
Andrew Conley-Holcom and Admiral UCC in Seattle offer bystander intervention workshops for churches and nonprofits.
Bob Anderson coordinates Guemes Island UCC's and a community effort for a peace pole and art project from September through June.
Westminster UCC in Spokane opens its basement to welcome up to 24 homeless young adults in emergency warming shelter.
St. Paul's UCC in Ballard agarees to host a men's shelter in its basement as part of the SHARE / WHEEL network.
Paul Ashby embarks on sabbatical peace mission and interfaith dialogue in Asian countries.
Mike Denton comments on role of churches in accompanying people and offering their presence with people.



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